About the series
Caught up in a conspiracy to conceal the existence of extraterrestrials and an ancient alien dome covering the planet, two Russian cosmonauts called Yuri and Dmitry find themselves on board the International Space Station and at the start of a very long series of unfortunate events. Unfolding over 10 books, this comedy sci-fi adventure series is set in the past, the present and the future and traverses the universe to show us what life is like on planet EgÁs and how hostile our own planet can be. This series transports you to an alternate reality where things are comparatively different - we never went to the moon, aliens are real, and the Earth is flat.
With a string of amusing anecdotes that segue seamlessly within the main story, you never quite know what's true or false and what might be important or irrelevant but that's up to you to unravel and figure out!
If you like a good conspiracy, well, the series is full of them, some are completely fictional, whilst others share strong resemblances with the 20th Century's most publicised.
Throughout the books, there are also several Easter Eggs to find, some are easy, some are hard. Good luck, and happy reading!
- Oscar Piscine (M.U.N.)
Extract from Downfall Part I
"...It all costs money y'know, if it wasn't for the funding supplied to us by the women's crochet club, we couldn't even afford to have this expedition. Women like them work tirelessly joining bits of yarn together to make blankets for the cold and impoverished, not to mention the colourful baby bobble hats they produce for the starving children of OnÁgero Defnu. If it wasn't for the support of these types of groups, we couldn't even afford a shovel..."
- TAC, Expedition Scout and native tribesman from the planet EgÁs.

Extract from Beneath the Dome
...That Vladimir. He and his father used to steal turnips from my uncle's farm when I was a boy. They would creep out on to field when moon was high in sky and they would steal turnips and sell at local market...
- Dmitry Usakov